How To Use Kudo Cards
What are Kudo Cards? What are they used for?
It is an undeniable fact that sometimes gratitude helps us become motivated. If you want to run an agile team successfully, you need to motivate your team members constantly to speed up your plans / sprints. And motivation helps a lot!
New research, however, finds that a simple "thank you" often has a much more lasting impact. And to raise positivity, the best option is to appreciate your team member through gratitude. But for some people, sending gratitude is not easy. As they have some fair series of reasons such as:
The person they want to motivate, might not be that much familiar / close.
They do not want to waste their valuable time creating a card, make it look good, or write extravagant speech - people sure are busy.
They are not used to appreciating others.
These problems can be easily solved. If you use Kudo Cards from Agilibo (Archibo’s new product - developed to serve your needs), you might find gratifying your teammates one of the easiest jobs!
Generally, Kudo Cards play the role of a physical token of appreciation. The cards can be placed in a box, and every now and then the Kudo Box is emptied and the workers celebrate those who had received a card. Maybe once per day, or once per week, the systems vary across organizations.
Agilibo has reintroduced Kudo Cards in a much digital and user-friendly way. Using Agilibo, you can send them easily and quickly!
Kudo Cards work well as they are the recognition of valued work that encourages motivation within an organisation. If you have a team working on any particular project, you should join Agilibo to plan, motivate, sprint and send kudo Cards to your agile teammates! You’ll find the project finished faster than you expected!